Home WRAP Restores Support for Solar & Energy Efficiency

The energy efficiency + solar "Home WRAP" concept bill was submitted by Representative Pam Marsh from Ashland. This bill restores support for residential efficiency and solar, particularly in rural Oregon, that was taken away with the loss of the RETC.


In particular the WRAP bill provides a production based incentive on a $/kWh rate for solar projects. It's paid out in one lump sum after the installation is completed. It is not a tax credit. The incentive amount is paid directly to contractors and must be reflected in the customer bid and then taken off of the customers paid system price. The first year incentive max amount is $4,500/system.


Over the coming months OSEIA will follow the bill closely and work with a coalition of stakeholders to support the bill during the 2018 legislative session. It is a short session and Oregon has a budget crisis so passing this bill will not be easy - we will let you know how to support the effort in January.

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